Now is the time to reverse problems in infants and young children

Cranial/Structural Energetics for children

Cranial/Structural Therapy has been of tremendous benefit to infants and young children. Here are some incredible ways in which it has helped: a three week old infant that was born with Torticollis and was scheduled for surgery at six months of age was able to resume normal head and neck range of motion after just one […]

Your pet can live a healthier, happier life

healthy, happy, playful pet

Cranial/Structural Energetics is not just for humans. All living beings can benefit from this incredible healing energy. Take a look at this letter of gratitude from a pet owner who had nearly given up hope, until she heard about Cranial/Structural Energetics: Dear Don, When you, Pam, and Laura did Cranial/Stuctural Energeitcs at a distance for […]